
Thursday, September 27, 2007

How to Get the Best Rates on Health Insurance in Georgia

Medicare can often be confusing and for people living in Georgia they have a wonderful, free resource that can help answer any questions they have. Georgia Cares is a service that provides counseling to folks who are unsure about any aspect of their Medicare coverage. Even if you dont qualify for Medicare now, its good to remember that the help is there when you need it.

For many people, their main concern when it comes to health insurance in Georgia is how to find the best rates. Unless you are part of a group health plan that is sponsored by your employee or an organization you are a member of, you are likely considering an individual health care plan.

There are ways to save on health care but you need to know where to look to find the best rates. If you are a parent who is shopping for coverage for your entire family, consider the age of your children. If you have a teenager who is enrolled in college, they may actually be eligible for their own low cost insurance. More and more schools are adopting group health plans for students and a parent would do well to compare the cost of that insurance against what theyd be paying for the child on the family plan. If the school plan is cheaper, take the child off your coverage.

You may also be able to save by doubling up your insurance. If you already have life insurance, ask your existing agent about health insurance. Some insurance companies offer a full suite of products and theyll reward customers who purchase more than one type of insurance with a discount. It may be worth your while to move all your insurance needs to one insurer. This way youre much more likely to enjoy the best rates possible on all your coverage.

My recommended sites here:

Low Rate Health Insurance in Georgia
Instant Medical Insurance Quotes

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Drug Detox For Steroid Abuse - A Serious Option

Anabolic steroids the kind used by athletes all over the world to help build lean muscle mass are so easily available and their side effects so deadly that they have become a widespread threat to health. Their proven addictive properties only add to the argument that legal controls should be more stringent. And because withdrawal can lead to unpredictable violence, treatment should involve the best, most modern drug detox and drug rehab procedures available.

When pro wrestler Chris Benoit killed his wife and young son and then hanged himself recently, he had more than 10 times the normal level of testosterone one of the anabolic steroids in his system, and it was injected shortly before the murder-suicide, according to Dr. Kris Sperry, Georgia's top medical examiner. Sperry said there was no evidence of any other steroids in Benoits system, and that there is no consensus that the use of testosterone can contribute to the paranoia, depression and violent outbursts known as roid rage commonly associated with anabolic steroids.

Whether or not testosterone played a role in Benoits tragic actions, theres little doubt that prolonged use of anabolic steroids can cause terrible side effects, and that they can be addictive. Yale University researchers found that high-dose, long-term steroid use can cause all the classic signs of drug addiction, including craving the substance, inability to stop using it and withdrawal symptoms. Drug detox and drug rehab programs would certainly be indicated to help long-term steroid users and abusers kick their habits.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) points to aggression, paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability, delusions, impaired judgment and feelings of invincibility as steroid abuse side effects. Others include liver tumors, cancer, acne, shrinking of the testicles, reduced sperm count and infertility, male development of breasts, increased risk of prostate cancer, and stunted growth in teenagers not yet fully grown. To avoid these problems, people abusing anabolic steroids should consider drug detox.

The government placed anabolic steroids in Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act back in 1991, but Id like to see the FDA and even the DEA take a closer look at how these drugs are being abused, and how incredibly easy they are for anyone to obtain, especially over the internet. Someone needs to make it clear to thousands of muscle-hungry young men and women across America that long-term anabolic steroid abuse can lead to dangerously violent or suicidal behavior and real addictions that require real drug detox and drug rehab to regain their health.

drug detox

Rod MacTaggart is a Florida-based freelance writer who contributes articles on health.


drug detox

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